Avital's Birthday Gift For You
While sometimes distance can keep us far apart, the virtual world always keeps us close together and these are gifts I can easily offer you from anywhere.
Read an interview on the five top habits to shift from surviving to thriving with Coach Ruben J. Guzman in my book Healing Happens.
Healing Happens brings you insight and inspiration from health and healing experts who cured themselves and others despite dire medical prognoses from over twenty illnesses including cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Enhance the power to heal yourself through natural healing techniques and awareness in order to comfortably, energetically, and joyfully live your passions. Fatal pronouncements do not have to be your fate.
Gift Option 2: SIT AND SUCCEED
Choose from over 100 meditations to help overcome any challenge or ask me to create one live with a month of meditation membership!
Regularly experience calmness, joy in the heart, clarity of mind, connection to self, better sleep, gratefulness, and heightened intuition from meditation. Cultivate more of a community of high energy conscious individuals. Utilize Avital's diverse background of living in a yoga community based from Paramhansa Yogananda's teachings, Neuro-linguistic Programming, and her creativity.
Avital's Birthday Gift For You
This year I wanted to focus more on giving for my birthday on Sept 4. All of these gifts are available for you to choose one by Sept 7.

Gift Option 1:
Read an interview on the five top habits to shift from surviving to thriving with Coach Ruben J. Guzman in my book Healing Happens.
Healing Happens brings you insight and inspiration from health and healing experts who cured themselves and others despite dire medical prognoses from over twenty illnesses including cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Enhance the power to heal yourself through natural healing techniques and awareness in order to comfortably, energetically, and joyfully live your passions. Fatal pronouncements do not have to be your fate.
Gift Option 2:
Choose from over 100 meditations to help overcome any challenge or ask me to create one live with a month of meditation membership!
Regularly experience calmness, joy in the heart, clarity of mind, connection to self, better sleep, gratefulness, and heightened intuition from meditation. Cultivate more of a community of high energy conscious individuals. Utilize Avital's diverse background of living in a yoga community based from Paramhansa Yogananda's teachings, Neuro-linguistic Programming, and her creativity.