Six Steps to Manifest Your Vision

Within the interviews with health and healing experts for my book Healing Happens: Stories of Healing Against All Odds, one of the most common reasons for someone healing is because they focused on their vision for life.

Sometimes we get dissuaded by that vision because of others’ or our own disbelief in its potential success. Or maybe you feel you are not deserving or capable so the idea never even enters your mind. Now is your chance to imagine if anything were possible in six months, what would you want to see in your life? If you had all the resources, money, time, support, tools, knowledge, confidence…to make anything happen, what would it be?

One of the other challenges people have when focusing on their vision is being in a space of wanting verses having. When we want, it assumes we don’t have it and we can feel a state of lack. Wanting and having are mutually exclusive and cannot happen at the same time. If you create a habit of wanting, you are more...

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Meditation Solutions for Healing

Meditation solutions offer a very peaceful and non-invasive way to heal the body, mind, and emotions. When I was going through my health challenges with Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism, I did everything possible on the physical, emotional, and mental levels to live as healthy as possible. All of that steadied my symptoms. When I started to meditate, I started to heal and did not need medication anymore even though that was not what the doctors predicted. My astrologer suggested that was because I was filling myself up with light.

Imagine having a glass full of black coffee. If you continuously pour water into that glass, eventually all of the darkness is flushed out by the clear water. As we draw light into our bodies while we meditate, it leaves no room for what may be considered “darkness.” That’s an esoteric way of explaining why scientific research is revealing the health benefits of meditation. With our bodies being made of energy, what we are doing is...

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"Destroy Me!" Two Words to Conquer Conflict and Pain

Right before my recent travels I felt a conflict arise with someone I held very dearly. It pained me greatly to feel dissonance rather than love. No matter what I tried I could not figure out how to resolve the conflict nor alleviate the pain. Then I remembered two things: the words from the spiritual teacher Matt Kahn, “Destroy Me,” and a visualization I was guided into where I allowed someone to “destroy me” and felt a great relief in response.

I believe Matt’s intention was to encourage us to have the courage to face our challenges head on and trust that will lead us to a greater victory. Trust builds with experience. I was lucky to have had a visualization where I experienced the benefits of surrender when feeling disharmony.

Almost two years ago in the fall of 2014 I was taking the level 2 Meditation Teacher Training at The Expanding Light Retreat Center in Northern California, where I was living at the time. Our instructor asked us to...

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