Which Side Has Won?

With the rise of terrors in the news and controversial politics, are you sometimes feeling challenged and asking how to stay positive and loving?

My favorite question from the Bhagavad Gita just came up again in the online study group, “Which side has won?” Looking at today’s politics, you may ask: Donald Trump? Isis? Gays? Women? People with skin color other than white? Police Officers? The 1% or the 99%? But the battle is not over yet!

In the Bhagavad Gita shortly after the battle of Kurukshetra began, the blind man asked, "Which side has won?" This seems to be an odd question considering the battle was not over yet. Normally at that point one would ask, "Which side is winning?"

The one who has the gift of introspection replied to the question with the actions related to the consciousness of the people fighting. The winners are the ones holding their consciousness in a high place. In the game of consciousness everyone could be a winner.

I have never had an...

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Five Claims That Dispel Myths About the Bhagavad Gita

Last week in the blog post, “Is The Bhagavad Gita Timeless?”, I made five claims to dispel myths about the Bhagavad Gita, and stated I would explain them this week. Maybe you were patiently or anxiously waiting for that explanation. And here we have it!

Each claim depends on how you define the terms and relate to the statements. I believe the intention behind the Bhagavad Gita is to lay a supportive foundation that can be applied to any path and any life. Yet sometimes it felt to me as if it was getting too detailed with too much definition on how life “should” be. As I kept reading I would hit a statement that presented the underlying message I was feeling thus wiping away what was previously stated and taking things up a notch in understanding. These five statements are what I find helpful to focus on for today’s awakened consciousness.

First claim: There is no right and wrong.

Well, actually, there may be, but not in the way you think. What I...

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Is the Bhagavad Gita Timeless?

With over 23 million people watching Game of Thrones, it should not be a question if people would be interested in reading about outdated battle scenes or ways of living. Of course, the ancient scripture, Bhagavad Gita, is not meant for entertainment, but to find a match that awakens people to their highest possibilities in an entertaining way.

The Bhagavad Gita depicts the conversation between Krishna, who represents God, and Arjuna, the Pandava brother who represents the third chakra, the seat of will power. The five Pandava brothers, representing the first five chakras, and their 100 cousins, the Kauravas, who represent what are deemed to be negative qualities, battle each other for the throne of their kingdom.

Just before the battle begins Arjuna asks his charioteer, Krishna, to drive between the armies to get a good look at the scene. As if he is in the center of a spine with upward moving energy on one side and downward moving energy on the other side he slackens his bow and...

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What Would Life Be Like If You Were Fully Aware?

For the past week the Bhagavad Gita in the New Age study group participants have been asking ourselves, “If I had a fully expanded awareness, how would it change this moment right now?”

Last week we were discussing the Tree of Life and how it is intended to help us understand the relationship between our physical world and what is beyond it.

I just finished reading the book Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani. She was in a coma and nearly declared dead when she had what some would call a near death experience. In that state she felt a more expanded awareness. She felt connected and one with all beings and all objects. Negative emotions and conflicts did not exist and only unconditional love was felt. Definitions and judgements of how life should be disappeared. Ideologies can create too narrow a path to stay open to the realm of the infinite.

With Anita’s and the Bhagavad Gita’s lessons in mind, we started the exploration for our own selves. I have...

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