Seven Ways to Freely Give

There is a great freedom in being able to freely to give, to be present for others, and to feel safe and empowered while doing so. Here are seven tips on how to tap into that freedom.

1. No Resistance
At the Enlightened Warrior Training Camp that I attended about a month ago, a number of people asked me how I was so freely giving. It is hard to know how you are until you see something in comparison.

When I launched the gofundme campaign for my book Healing Happens, I didn’t realize some of my friends would want to look over the campaign before deciding if they would donate. For me in the past, if a friend asks for a donation, I always want to support them with at least $5 or $10 regardless of what they are asking for. I usually then ask God what the amount is I should give and then I give the number that comes into my head without question.

There are a couple lessons I have learned that have made me want to be more freely giving. The first is we are all trying to accomplish a...

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7 Steps to Boundless Energy!

A couple weeks ago at the beginning of April 2017 I attended a training program called Enlightened Warrior Training Camp. I have probably seen the most internal transformation out of that program from any I have taken. During the program we had the opportunity to get close with many participants. I was repeatedly asked how I was so energetic, happy, and freely giving during the program.

There was not much time to answer those questions during the program, but those questions were ringing in my head on my flight home. A few minutes into my traditional airplane sudoku puzzle, the words to answer those questions came flooding into my head. This blog post shares seven steps to feel boundless energy. Keep your eyes open for the next two on how to be absolutely happy and the freedom of freely giving.


1. Lighten Your Load: The less of our past we carry, the lighter we will feel in our body and spirit. Negative emotions build up as toxins in the body, infringing on its ability to...

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The Hidden Benefits of Having a President Like Trump

I mentioned in one of my Facebook live videos how I enjoyed hearing what people feel is positive about Trump when I recently found myself in a group of supporters. However, that is not what I am writing about.

Last night I was watching a TV/Movie series set around New Years 1970 in a news magazine office when women did not have the rights to have the same job as the men, have their name credited in the magazine, nor get the same salaries as men. One of the women came across a female African American lawyer who specialized in women’s rights. She had the desire to be a writer herself and the courage to bring other women into the cause. They had to sneak around and many did not feel comfortable telling their own husbands. They risked losing their job and having a hard time getting a new one. There was the risk of losing friends or partners, and even getting killed.

Also during that time period many people were sexually repressed. Women only wore skirts. People of dark colored...

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Secrets of the Happy Traveler - Part 2

With holiday travels around the corner and many people sick right now, how are we going to keep our bodies healthy, purified, and vibrant? Here’s another idea to add to the blog post Secrets of the Happy Traveler – Part 1.

2. Energization Exercises

Once I am all checked in for my flight, I find my gate, go to the bathroom, and fill my water bottle. Then I look for a gate without a plane taking off for a while. I love it if I can find a quiet private spot by a window. Now you do not have to find privacy but then you have to be ok with people looking at you funny. Most of the time I think they just wish they had the courage to join in because what you will do is so invigorating.

Here’s three Invigorating Energization Exercises:
These were developed by the great yoga guru Paramhansa Yogananda to help people feel more energy in their body, focus their mind, and get ready for meditation. Always tense from a low to medium to high tension, relax high, medium, low, and then...

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Secrets of the Happy Traveler - Part 1

How many times do you show up at your destination when traveling needing to recover from the journey? Wouldn’t it be nice if you arrived ready to delight in your vacation, perform your best on business travel, or be present for your family and friends at your destination?

Growing up living in Maryland and having my father living in Toronto, Canada, I have been a regular traveler since age 3. I also love to travel and somehow find myself always going somewhere whether for business, pleasure, or a training program. I have been to all 50 states in the U.S. and visited 23 countries. I would have continued around the world but Mexico, Italy, and India stole my heart. In college, I even got to design an airport as one of my engineering projects.

As you can imagine, I have been collecting a lot of travel tips that help me arrive at my destination refreshed and ready. Before holiday travel begins, I thought I would share four key ideas to consider for enjoying traveling by air a lot...

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